Hurco 5-Axis Training Course
This training class covers conversational programming and the basic rules and interactions for 5-axis machines. Students are guided through a course of programming examples from basic to more complex.

Please Note: This course is designed for users on the MAX5 control. If you have a MAX4 Control (see figure below) please see the original Mill Training Intro series located here
Basics of Universal Rotary
An explanation of the term Universal Rotary and understanding the “Righthand Rule” for programming 5-axis machines.
Basics of Transform Plane
What is a Transform Plane and how is it programmed. This video will show the basics of Transform Plane and how it is used when programming a 5-axis machine.
5-Axis Part Programming 1
In this video we program features on the top, front, and right side of the workpiece using Transform Plane.
5-Axis Part Programming 2
How to program chamfers (or similar features) using both the end of an endmill vs. the side of the endmill. There are also good visuals that provide a deeper understanding of how to control the temporary origin point when using Transform Planes.
5-Axis Part Programming 3
This video will explain the programming of compound angles, when the rotation isn’t a simple 90° rotation around a single axis, and how to program subsequent 3-axis blocks.
5-Axis Part Programming 4
This video will explain how to control the orientation of features on a part, by learning how to control the orientation of the transformed Workplane.
Rotary Position After Transform Plane
This video discusses how to use a Rotary Position to return to work on the top side of a part after ending a previous Transform Plane block.
Transform Plane Groups
This video will discuss Transform Plane Groups and how they can be used to pattern a transform plane around a part, and eliminate the need to program redundant transform planes for repeating geometries on a workpiece.
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